The overview section allows you to analyze overall performance regarding the messages sent in a period of time.
By default, metrics will be displayed from the last 30 days, but you can change the period of analysis.
Existing options:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- You can manually select a period of analysis by clicking on the dates displayed
Once the dates of analysis are selected, the data will be applied accordingly.
Visible information:
First card:
You can see your account plan , as well as the number of campaigns that are included in your plan, per reservation.
In the example above, the account plan is "Entreprise" and 4 campaigns are included in the plan, per reservation.
Please note: We are not limiting the number of campaigns that can be created and active. You can create and activate as many campaigns as you wish - if the number of campaigns exceeds what is included per reservation, extra costs will be applied.
If you want to upgrade the number of messages to be sent per reservation, you can click on the link "Ask for an upgrade to your plan".
Once you click on "request more messages", an email will be sent to our support team with this information, and our team will contact you!
Second card:
On this card it is displayed the number of messages sent in the period of analysis selected.
In the example above, 11227 messages were sent in total from which 5277 were included in the plan and 5950 are additional to the plan.
To see details of all sent messages, you can click on the link "View all details sent messages" and you will be redirected to the sent messages tab.
Third card:
Details regarding the extra costs are displayed in this card. You can see the number of extra messages, on the top, and the correspondant additional charges.
In the example above, 5950 extra messages were sent in the period of analysis and there is an additional charge of 595€ (0,10€ per extra message)
To see details of messages with costs, you can click on the link "View detailed messages with costs" and you will be redirected to the sent messages tab, with the additional cost filter already applied.
The dynamic graph shows you all the messages that were sent (green) and all extra messages sent (purple)
If you want to manage your campaigns, youar can access them from this tab by clicking on the top right button "Manage Campaigns" - you will be redirected to the list of campaigns tab.