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Notifications: Q&A

Questions & Answers about Notifications

Q: How can I configure my notifications?

In the top right corner of your console, click on the agent icon and select the option "Personal settings"

Turn Off

Turn Onn

Q: Is the notification configuration per team?

No, the configuration is by agent.

Q: When will I receive a notification?

You will receive a notification every time a conversation is transferred to the open tab - a conversation that will require human intervention.

Also, you can receive notifications in regards to new console features and unanswered FAQs

Q: Which type of notifications do you recommend to enable?

Since you will be notified whenever a conversation goes to the open tab (a conversation that will always require human intervention), we recommend you to enable all the notification types so that you are more reactive.

Q: What’s the difference between instant and smart email notifications?

If you toggle instant email notifications, you will receive an email notification every time a new conversation comes to the open tab

If you toggle smart email notifications you will receive a notification that aggregates the new conversations in the open tab. I.e., let’s say that you get 15 new conversations in the open tab in the period of 1 hour. You will only get one email notifying you of that.


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