Hotel Sense: Property Variants

The "property variants" are part of the new development of the hotel sense, which allows the chatbot to identify the property by its name, once written on the chatbot. 

Before hotel sense:

If a user wrote "HiJiffy Hotel Lisbon", the chatbot would show you all the possible hotels (in some cases, ask to select the country and city)

With hotel sense:

With hotel sense, our chatbot is able to identify the property by its name 

What are the property variants?

The property variants are other names that you can use to name your property. 

It has to be edited per property and some rules must be followed to make sure it works as expected! 

How to edit it?

Console: Properties Menu > Select the property > Scroll down until you find "property variant" (at the bottom of the property section)

How does it work without property variants?

The chatbot currently understands:

1. The name you have inserted for your property 


Name of the property in the console > HiJiffy Hotel Lisboa

User types > HiJiffy Hotel Lisboa 

In this case, you don't need to add the name of the property as a variant 

2. The name of the property if the order is different 


Name of the property > HiJiffy Hotel Lisboa

User types > HiJiffy Lisboa Hotel

In this case, you don't need to add the name of the property as a variant 

3. List all the properties that have common words 


Names of the properties:

User types > HiJiffy Hotel

The chatbot will provide all of the property names that have "HIjiffy" and "Hotel". The property "Hijiffy Coffee House Lisbon" was excluded from this option. 

In this case, you don't need to add "Hijiffy hotel" as a property variant 

We recommend using the example above if the property/hotel names have 3 or more words. If not, it may not work 100%. 

What you should add as a property variant?

You can add other ways of mentioning your property in the property variants, having into consideration that the examples explained above do not need it!

1. Shorter versions of the property name


Name of the property in the console > HiJiffy Hotel Royal Palace Zürich

Property variants:



2. Common translations of property name



Name of the property in the console > HiJiffy Hotel Lisboa

Property variant >  HiJiffy Lisbonne


There is no need to translate in all languages - use the example above only if commonly written by the users of your chatbot.

Important recommendations!

1. Add only property variants if needed

Not all properties need property variants. It is usually more common if the property names are too long. 

Our suggestion would be to analyze the user behavior when interacting with the chatbot before adding any property variants.

If you write the same property variant for all properties, they will all be displayed if the user types it. 

2. Avoid using only names of cities and countries as property variants 

The names of cities and countries alone can be misleading in this case, as they can also used in other situations not related to the properties (FAQs, for example). 

Our hotel sense is also already able to select the hotels per city:

3. Do not use very common words in the property variants


Name of the property in the console > HiJiffy Coffee House Lisbon

Property variant > coffee



As you can see, this is not the intended outcome. The user is asking if coffee is served and the chatbot suggests the "HiJiffy Coffee House Lisbon" property.

4. Capital/small letters are not considered when adding the property variants

The chatbot understands the property with small and capital letters - there is no need to add a property variant because of the way the original property name is written

HiJiffy Hotel Lisboa is the same as hijiffy hotel lisboa (no need to add the second one as a property variant)