Welcome Messages

You can now edit your welcome messages and buttons in your console account. 

The objective is to give you the opportunity of having different welcome messages according to properties or channels and personalize them. 

Where can I see this area in the console

Console: Chatbots Menu > Select the chatbot > Chatbot Settings > Welcome messages 

What is the "Default Welcome Message"?

There is always a "Default Welcome Message" which, as the name says, is the default welcome message for all channels and all properties.

However, if you click on it, you can edit the message and buttons, as well as add/remove. 

⚠️ If there are no specific welcome messages per property or channel, this is the welcome message that will be displayed.

This one is not deletable.

Create welcome messages based on properties

Console: Chatbots Menu > Select the chatbot > Chatbot Settings > Welcome messages >                        Create New

1. Give a title to your welcome message

2. Define the property where the welcome message should appear

3. Select the channels that are associated to the property you have selected (if all, select all)

4. Write the welcome message in english (it will auto translate to other languages) and add buttons to redirect your users to URL, flows or existing FAQs. 

5. Click on create

Create welcome messages based on channels

Console: Chatbots Menu > Select the chatbot > Chatbot Settings > Welcome messages >                        Create New

1. Give a title to your welcome message

2. Define the channel where the welcome message should appear

3. Select the properties that are associated to the channel you have selected (if all, select all)

4. Write the welcome message in english (it will auto translate to other languages) and add buttons to redirect your users to URL, flows or existing FAQs. 

5. Click on create

Manage your welcome messages

Console: Chatbots Menu > Select the chatbot > Chatbot Settings > Welcome messages 

In this table, you can the default welcome message, as well as other welcome messages you might have created. 

  • To edit, click on the pencil icon or directly on the welcome message name 
  • To delete, click on the bin button