Connect: WeChat

You can add WeChat to the Console. This way you will be able to manage all conversations from this channel within the Console. Additionally, you can enable the chatbot to handle guest queries in WeChat.

Note: Chatbot support in WeChat is limited and some adaptation is done since template messages have to be converted to plain text messages.

You can add as many WeChat accounts to the Console as you wish and add the chatbot to all of them.

Note: You must have an 'Owner' role in order to install new channels.

Add WeChat

To add the 'WeChat' channel to the Console:

  • On the Console, go to Channels, expand the WeChat section and click on 'Add new channel';
  • Visit your WeChat dashboard and click on 'Basic Configuration | 基本配置' below the Develop section and add the following IP addresses to the whitelist, separated by new lines:
  • In the WeChat dashboard, within the same page, copy the value of your AppID and paste it in the Console's add new channel screen;
  • In the WeChat dashboard, below your AppID, copy the value of your AppSecret and paste it in the Console's add new channel screen;
  • To configure message encryption in safe mode, in the WeChat dashboard, copy the value of your EncodingAESKey near the bottom of the Basic Configuration page and paste it in the Console's add new channel screen;
  • Give a Name to the channel;
  • Click on 'Validate and Continue'. After receiving a success message, you can advance to the next steps;
  • On your WeChat dashboard click on 'Modify Configuration | 修改配置' below 'Basic Configuration | 基本配置'.
  • Copy the Webhook URL and Verification Token from the Console and paste them into their respective fields on your WeChat dashboard';
  • Save these settings and a green message should appear.
  • Finally, you will have to enable these changes so that messages are forwarded to the platform. Click on the green "启用 | Enable" button. It should then turn red.
  • Return to the Console and click 'Save' to finish.


Available for Pro, Premium & Entreprise solutions